Monday, March 11, 2019

"An 'Iron Curtain of Brutal Socioeconomic Oppression' has been created by psychiatry"

More and more intelligent, well educated, law abiding and emotionally warm people across the USA and worldwide are finding they can never get ahead in life because they saw psychiatrists, not because of mental illness. Brutal terrorist styled 'Psychiatric Abuse Cliques' made up of the feds, cops, psychiatrists, their personal judges and others who support psychiatric tyranny sadistically crack down hard on the lives of innocent men, women and children targeted by psychiatry daily and insist this is good for their mental health. This generally results in victims of the "Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" struggling to survive behind an "Iron Curtain of Brutal Socioeconomic Oppression" with the potential and lives of good people catastrophically destroyed in this way around the clock!»>