Sunday, March 24, 2019

"The attitudes of psychiatrists are toxic for your mental health!"

The psychiatrists are firmly committed to attempting to make anyone who has the misfortune of seeing them as patients dependent on them for their highly lucrative but terribly destructive interventions. They deal with their patients as if they are highly infectious disease entities who should be isolated from society with no distinct personalities and needs. Valid complaints from patients that they are suffering terribly from psychiatric drugs are crudely ignored and the doses of the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs are generally increased. It is a crime punishable by long prison sentences to treat dogs as poorly as psychiatrists and their staffs treat human beings and advise significant others to treat them. Actually psychiatry is a legalized form of child and adult abuse in a pathetically sick society which pays federal agents, cops and judges well to support the tyrannical quackery of the psychiatrists whose toxic attitudes nurture mental illness, not mental health!>>>