Thursday, March 21, 2019

"The USA is more heavily invested in humiliating & torturing innocent people with psychiatry than in fighting mass murderers and terrorism"

Federal agents, cops and psychiatrists are paid very well to literally torture innocent targets of psychiatric tyranny across the USA around the clock. Psychotronic warfare, beatings and false arrests, railroading into mental hospital concentration camps, poisoning with the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs, electric shock, isolation, stigmatization and cruel and deadly blacklists are among the methods of madness used to enforce psychiatric tyranny. Such interventions are clearly very painful and destructive for people whether or not they have actually ever suffered from some type of mental illness. The victims of these sadistic abuses are often intelligent, well educated and peaceful people who deserve to be earning a lot of money in areas they have an expertise in and in which they are fully capable of developing an expertise in and yet they generally must suffer on the fringes of society with low paying jobs and no benefits if any jobs at all while the monsters responsible for torturing them are making a killing financially. The heavy investment of manpower and money by the USA towards fueling this tyranny is greater than the investment in fighting the infectious increase in mass shooters and terrorism across the USA and worldwide. This situation is a disgrace with good people being wiped out daily as the monsters responsible for this and other hard criminals are flourishing. If this trend continues total breakdowns in society as seen having recently happened in Venezuela and France can be anticipated as more than possible across the USA and elsewhere worldwide!»>