Sunday, June 23, 2019

"Psychiatry represents a powerful hate crime against humanity"!

Ever since its genesis psychiatry has been a discipline of extreme destruction. The psychiatrists claim they are experts in the prevention and treatment of mental illness but instead they consistently nurture the methodical disintegration of the identity and well being of innocent men, women and children who have the misfortune of becoming their patients. Bloody frontal lobotomies which destroyed normal brain tissue and created zombies out of human beings have been replaced with chemical lobotomies via the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs which lead to the same horrifying results. And while insisting electric shock treatment offers miraculous cures from mental illness there have been scores of convincing reports of brain damage associated with electric shock treatment. Furthermore, unprovoked physical force coupled with strait jackets and isolation chambers used in the mental hospital concentration camps causes deep states of emotional despair. The emotional damage from these abuses can be likened to post traumatic stress syndrome seen in soldiers and others exposed to life threatening situations in wars. The legalization of the tyrannical quackery of psychiatry by lawmakers and judges leads to the targeting of victims of psychiatric abuse for even more abuse by the feds and cops working alongside the psychiatrists, including stigmatization, blacklists and the creation of forced downhill socioeconomic drifts with tragically wasted lives. Overall clearly psychiatry therefore represents a very powerful hate crime against humanity!»>