Tuesday, June 11, 2019

"The US government & American psychiatrists hide their joint tyranny behind a veil of propaganda!"

Among favored responses of the US government and American psychiatrists to valid allegations that together they routinely torture targets of psychiatric intervention is that only insane people or dangerous enemies of the country would make such statements against powerful and wealthy authority figures in what they insist is a great country. Part of the heavy handed propaganda of this position often includes comments that it's the Russians, Communist Chinese, Communist Vietnamese, North Koreans and others worldwide who support torture and even methodical murders with psychiatry, but it's absurd to say this could be true in dealing with the United States. This all couldn't be further from the truth, with sadly the United States right in the forefront of brutal human rights abuser nations worldwide which uses psychiatry to painfully torture and murder innocent men, women and children for huge profits!»>http://www.mandelnews.com