Monday, July 15, 2019

"American 'Psychiatric Abuse Cliques' torture good people for the sake of a corrupt & brutal system, not mental healthcare or justice"!

 The American feds, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges along with their supporters in society make up brutal 'Psychiatric Abuse Cliques' which thrive off of inflicting innocent men, women and children with extreme degrees of pain and suffering. When targets of psychiatric tyranny blow the whistle on being abused, whether or not they may or may not have ever actually suffered from some type of emotional problem which could have benefited from humane intervention, the members of the brutal 'Psychiatric Abuse Cliques' move aggressively with an intensification of all feasible types of torture to help solidify their allegations of mental illness against them. There is no interest at all in this tragically criminal and destructive system of recognizing mistakes or cures. The primary interest in this system of tyranny instituted by sadistic sociopaths is to uphold cases of mental illness and debilitating interventions against their victims for life. Psychotronic warfare, the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, intentional stigmatization with created and enforced social isolation and blacklists with associated horribly painful compromised lifestyles and the creation and nurturing of deadly poverty are among the methods of madness used to fuel the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death"!»>