Saturday, July 27, 2019

"The psychiatric system targets financial well being"!

Psychiatrists and their supporters among the judiciary, feds, cops and others in society often insist that having money is not essential for mental health. This simply is not true. Although of course extremely wealthy people can experience unstable emotional states this does not happen as often as among the poor and certainly chances of recovery are far better among the wealthy. There is a nature/nurture interaction in all states of emotional well being and in the society mankind has chosen to set up money is simply essential to enjoy freedom and a healthy life in body, mind and spirit. Although a positive state of mind often associated with extreme wealth is noteworthy, the benefits of wealth go far beyond just a state of mind. A high quality of life in all realms is only possible with financial advantages which includes considerations of quality food, housing, clothing and free time. Yet, the psychiatric system consistently targets the financial well being of decent, law abiding people with intentional stigmatization and associated deadly blacklists. This leads to very intelligent and well qualified people who could be earning a great deal of money working for very low wages which can not support even themselves let alone a family in a healthy way, if they can find any jobs at all. This terrorist action on the part of the horribly cruel psychiatrists and their likewise unusually cruel supporters clearly creates and nurtures mental illness therefore helping to fuel the powerful and lucrative "Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!"»>