Monday, July 29, 2019

"Targets of the American psychiatric system are pushed into an untouchable class in America's caste system!"

 The propaganda machine of the United States creates a false picture of the nation as striving to wipe out social class distinctions among people. In reality there is a rigid caste system in the country based primarily on socioeconomic variances created and enforced between people. Psychiatry offers one of the most powerful vehicles to help in the establishment of this caste system. Innocent men, women and children who are targeted to be destroyed by psychiatry are hit with intentional stigmatization which leads to social and career ruination and associated painful and life threatening financial problems. Feds, cops and judges assist the cruel authoritarian psychiatrists in enforcing an untouchable class of people out of psychiatric victims. These people are shunned by the wealthy classes of American society regardless of how much they could have offered in all realms of their lives if only they had been given a fair chance in life. The untouchables in America's brutal class system lead painful and wasted lives with premature deaths generally likely!»>