Tuesday, August 27, 2019

"Money is manipulated in the cruel American system to create & nurture mental illness in targets of psychiatry!"

The diabolically insane psychiatrists and their sadistic supporters among the feds, cops, lawmakers, judges and others in society have been known to insist there's more important things than money and financial freedom when dealing with targets of psychiatry while nevertheless their primary concern for their work as with everyone who is not exorbitantly wealthy is how much money can they make. It is hypocritically disturbing and dangerous to insist that attending to mental healthcare needs is far more important than considerations of career goals which can lead to financial freedom. Negative and destructive psychiatric notions of the potential of the human brain which take the position that structural defects in the brain cause mental illness, and so there's really not much that can be done about this aside from painful control with toxic drugs and other harsh interventions, ignore the fact that in dealing with the malleable human brain not only does structure determine function, function also determines structure. A well nourished brain needs healthy experiences to nurture and maintain mental health and this can only be accomplished with the freedom which money, not empty promises, offers people. To say this can be offered without the very freedom the psychiatric system steals from innocent people is like insisting Bald Eagles or whales can thrive as well in cages or closed tanks as soaring through the sky or swimming in the open ocean waters on their on, which simply is not true. Knowing this, psychiatric tormentors insist their victims not be given fair opportunities to make the money they deserve and need to be free and mentally healthy, therefore creating and nurturing mental illness to fuel the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!"»>http://www.mandelnews.com