Sunday, August 11, 2019

"The USA ranks among the most brutal, ignorant, corrupt, dangerous & racist countries in the world that uses erroneous psychiatric labels & stigmatization to justify its horrific abuses"!

It is often said rather appropriately that to really make it big in the USA you have to be a liar, thief and overall criminal. In view of the inherent criminality associated with the extremely lucrative discipline of psychiatry and support for this destructive discipline of chronic abuse by the mainstream medical and legal communities, lawmakers, judiciary, feds, cops, educators and many wealthy business people among others in the American society, it appears the direct involvement in and support of gross criminal behavior offers a sure path to great financial success and freedom in the USA. Activists in the professional community and other sectors of society who decide to fight against the abuses inherent in psychiatry are often hit in retaliation so hard by the American establishment that they find themselves struggling to survive on the fringes of society instead of enjoying the advantages of success and wealth which they generally deserve. And in the brutal, ignorant, corrupt, dangerous and racist country which has been evolving in the USA ever since it was founded, psychiatry has emerged as a perfect weapon of legalized abuse to help clear out whistle-blowers and others sadistically targeted for lucrative psychiatric enslavement, torture and murder in the American society!»>