Thursday, August 29, 2019

"The USA is a brutal 'Psychiatric Police State' which uses psychotronic warfare to create & nurture mental illness!"

In the USA there is a focus on the manufacturing of mental illness by the psychiatrists and government instead of on the actual promotion of mental health. Criminally insane U.S. feds and cops who work with the trash American psychiatrists have been using painful and deadly electronic warfare from satellite drones to zap decent, sane and law abiding human rights activists and poor people in the brains with electromagnetic waves aimed at having them think, feel and do irregular things so they can thereafter be beaten up by the police and charged with criminal misconduct and/or mental illness. There are ongoing intensified electronic torture campaigns and associated blacklists of the vital financial interests of the targets of this tyranny which is intensified when they report on these abuses in what has therefore become the most tyrannical 'Psychiatric Police State' in world history. This psychotronic warfare coupled with intentional cruel legal and social stigmatization and life threatening blacklists fuels the 'American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death' by an American Deep State in a nation which therefore does not actually have a mental healthcare system!»>