Sunday, September 15, 2019

"A Deep State in the USA has created a brutal 'Torture & Killing Machine' out of the nation with the psychiatrists”

There are intelligent and capable people under-employed, unemployed, marginalized in society, homeless, starving and crippled all over the USA because of psychiatric intervention, not because of mental illness. Intentional stigmatization, intense debilitating psychotronic warfare, the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, painful and frightening electric shock so called treatment, railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps, police harassment, beatings and false arrests, and deadly blacklists are among the cruel methods of madness instituted with psychiatric intervention. People from all walks of life are recruited to help isolate and destroy targets of psychiatric tyranny, including friends and family members, with promises they will personally do better financially if they support this cruel system of chronic abuses. In the literal 'Torture & Killing Machine' which has been created across the entire USA with the diabolically insane psychiatrists most if not all of the victims have all along had the capacity to thrive and do well in all vital realms of their lives whether or not they ever actually suffered from mental illness, if not for being hit by psychiatry!»>