Friday, September 13, 2019

“A favored method of tyranny of the psychiatric system is to torture people over money!”

The criminally insane psychiatrists along with support from likewise criminally insane feds, cops and their personal judges and sadistic monsters in the general public who actively support the arrogant tyranny of psychiatry consistently brutally destroy the career interests of the innocent targets of their joint tyranny. Intentional stigmatization and deadly blacklists are instituted with claims the resulting career and financial hardships are due to mental illness, when this generally simply is not true. The extreme forms of lifestyle hardships associated with anticipated anxiety and depression syndromes along with the resulting social isolation and forced downhill socioeconomic drifts are nevertheless still said to be due to mental illness by the tyrannical psychiatric abuse cliques, when in fact this literal torture and slow and painful murders are due to psychiatric intervention itself, whether or not the victims ever actually suffered from any type of mental illness. This helps the "Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" thrive!»>