Thursday, September 5, 2019

"Wellness & honest, ethical behavior irritates Psychiatric Abuse Cliques"

When innocent targets of psychiatric tyranny make credible efforts to show their tormentors they are not actually mentally ill or that they are capable of wellness they are hit back with an intensification of abuses. Psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, other doctors and nurses who work with these criminally insane leeches of society, federal agents, cops and others in society who actively support psychiatry make up 'Psychiatric Abuse Cliques' which profit greatly from the creation and nurturing of painful states of existence which mimic and exacerbate mental illness. These sadists are actually hostile about all manifestations of mental health and overall wellness in their victims as they focus on making them into dependent chronic patients or street people in order to fuel the lucrative and powerful 'American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death'. Their primary interest is in winning cases of alleged mental illness against innocent men, women and children, not in helping them nurture wellness. And so honest and ethical behavior in victims of psychiatric atrocities is written off as clever behavior aimed at covering up mental illness. Intense psychotronic warfare, the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, intentional stigmatization with associated social isolation, blacklists and forced downhill socioeconomic drifts, police beatings and false arrests and railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps are all part of the arsenal of madness of the terrorist 'Psychiatric Abuse Cliques'!»>