Sunday, December 1, 2019

"A terrorist culture of cruelness, brutality & ignorance has been nurtured in the USA by psychiatry"

Psychiatric intervention is by its very nature an extreme form of torture. Psychiatrists consistently undermine the vital personal, career and financial interests of innocent men, women and children who have the horrible misfortune of being their patients. And the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, electric shock and other brutal interventions by psychiatrists cause horrible acute disruptions in the functioning of the brain and other body organs with permanent damage also often occurring. The pain and suffering inflicted by psychiatrists is beyond belief. Yet all along the well funded propaganda machine of the psychiatrists paints a totally false picture of what psychiatry is all about with claims psychiatry has a focus on the prevention and treatment of mental illness. The legalization of the tyrannical quackery of psychiatry for oppressive social control by frighteningly cruel and pathetic American lawmakers has lead to overly zealous support and enforcement of psychiatric stigmatization by sadistic federal agents, cops and judges. Intense debilitating psychotronic warfare perhaps meant for heavily armed enemies of war, beatings and false arrests, deadly blacklists and railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps are all part of the arsenal of madness used by the feds and cops against targets of psychiatry. The legalization of psychiatry across the USA has also lead to aggressive support of psychiatry with help with enforcement from many people in the general public. And so a terrorist culture of cruelness, brutality and ignorance has been successfully nurtured across the entire USA by the criminally insane psychiatrists!»>