Saturday, December 14, 2019

"The psychiatric system intentionally makes trash out of the lives of worthy people"

The psychiatrists and their supporters among the feds, cops, judiciary and other powerful and wealthy people in society have devised a scheme with psychiatry to sadistically make trash out of the lives of good people. The motives aside from pure infectious sadism in a sick society which has evolved include making psychiatric stigmatization valid in order to hold up for the allegations of mental illness by the tormentors. In the authoritarian mental health care system which psychiatry has created in this way only tyrants who are authority figures come out looking right. Innocent men, women and children who are targeted by psychiatry are literally bullied by their own families, so called friends and associates, pushed out of school and work, hit with deadly blacklists, thrown into the streets, sexually abused, beaten up by cops and thrown in jail with no charges and no crimes committed and railroaded into the mental hospital concentration camp system. The highly toxic poisonous psychiatric drugs are used with other destructive psychiatric interventions to make zombies out of people, not to help nurture mentally healthy people with healthy and productive lives. A Deep State system also moves into action against targets of psychiatry with intense psychotronic warfare aimed at messing up the brain waves, perceptions and functioning of the victims. This making of pure trash out of the lives of worthy people fuels the very lucrative and powerful "Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!"»>