Tuesday, December 24, 2019

"The psychiatric system attracts the worse scum in the American society"

While insisting that they be respected as the most intelligent, honorable, decent, humane and ethical people in the society in reality the psychiatrists along with other doctors, nurses, feds, cops, judges and people in other walks of life who support psychiatry are reprehensible scum. It's actually pathetic how all universally accepted concepts of right versus wrong have been turned around by these sadistic leeches of society who profit greatly from inflicting innocent men, women and children with intense degrees of pain and suffering. Although the defense of these monsters when confronted with allegations of being horrific human rights abusers is that they are simply doing their jobs, that does not hold up as it may at times hold up for soldiers in a time of war who commit horrible atrocities as ordered by their commanding officers. These people in the private sector after all really do have a choice about whether or not to accept and stay with jobs which entail brutalizing innocent human beings. There is a code of silence among the elitist "Psychiatric Abuse Cliques" in dealing with the brutality of their practices. The responses to crying out in despair and harsh complaints from victims of the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" is to insist they're lying while intensifying the abuses. And so targets of psychiatric tyranny are being tortured and murdered around the clock with intense psychotronic warfare, poisonous psychiatric drugs, beatings, isolation, electric shock, organized public ridicule campaigns, deadly blacklists and associated horribly painful forced downhill socioeconomic drifts, unemployment, poverty and homelessness. Generally targets of psychiatric tyranny could have done well in life and prospered greatly if not for the eagerness of the worse scum in the society to make them lead tragically pained and wasted lives to fuel the terrorist psychiatric system of chronic abuse!»>http://www.drmandelnews.com