Thursday, January 30, 2020

"The orthodox medical profession uses psychiatry to dispose of people!"

Psychiatry is a highly destructive discipline of chronic abuse which is instituted by members of the orthodox medical profession to sadistically dispose of human beings for huge profits. Psychiatrists and other unscrupulous doctors and nurses who work with these professional leeches of society literally move to wipe out the identities, capabilities, dreams, potential and financial assets of innocent men, women and children which they target for disposal. In spite of the propaganda of the psychiatrists which paints a picture of themselves as being in the forefront of quality mental health care initiatives, in actuality psychiatric intervention consistently leads to intense pain and suffering for targeted people with totally wasted lives and premature deaths. The poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs along with railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps for more brutal abuses are the primary mainstays of intervention of psychiatrists. The terrorist US Department of Justice sadistically helps to enforce psychiatric tyranny with psychotronic warfare, character assassination and deadly blacklists clearly due to a silent policy by the government to dramatically trim down the population therefore cornering more wealth, power and space for a very small sector of powerful elitists who actually control the entire country. Tragically sadistic feds and cops who represent the most horrible people in the American society, not the 'Best & Brightest' as they like to think of themselves, help the likewise trash psychiatrists to literally torture innocent victims around the clock as they are slowly exterminated!»>