Monday, January 20, 2020

"The psychiatrists have a pattern of psychiatric drug poisonings"

The psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses are pure trash mental health care workers who consistently create and exacerbate unstable mental states with their destructive interventions which are based on stigmatizing labels with no credible scientific markers for their myriad of mythical diagnoses. The mainstays of psychiatric drug interventions which include the antipsychotic agents, lithium and antidepressants have a wide range of possible side effects which include depression, anxiety and suicidal and homicidal ideation and intent. Often times patients who have simply had a bad day and who just needed some rest, good nutrition, exercise and positive feedback about their interests along with healthy lifestyle counseling to deal with normal variations in mood and behavior are swiftly hit with the trendy diagnosis of schizophrenia by psychiatrists. The antipsychotic drugs which are prescribed cause life threatening side effects such as deep depressions due to the blockade of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. Very painful and debilitating seizures and convulsions also occur which in combination with the deep depression often leads to suicide attempts which are often successful. Associated hostility and anger can also lead to violent behavior in otherwise peaceful people. So these drugs are as dangerous as contaminated LSD tabs made in dirty labs. If patients survive this and stop taking the antipsychotic drugs the psychiatrists rush in to cover for themselves by insisting they now have to be treated for primary major depression even though their depression was drug induced. When the antidepressants kick in with their side effects of extreme irritability and agitation and patients also stop taking these drugs and decide to try to start studying, working and living their lives again the psychiatrists again move in with the final knockout diagnosis of bipolar disorder with the assertion they wouldn't be so active unless they were now manic. Lithium and the other poisonous drugs prescribed for bipolar disorder bring potential kidney damage into play with the other dangerous side effects including more depression, anxiety and seizures. The FDA in the USA claims nevertheless that these poisonous drugs are well regulated with adverse side effects warnings. Yet it seems a responsible government agency would not clear such horrible drugs for any clinical use on human beings or animals. It's almost like prescribing arsenic for a stomach virus which will actually prevent and kill the virus since after all its going to kill you! Sadly unusually sadistic and irresponsible federal agents, cops and their personal judges enthusiastically assist the criminally insane psychiatrists in enforcing psychiatric drugging of innocent men, women and children!»>