Saturday, March 21, 2020

"Psychiatry runs counter to everything positive the USA & international community are doing to fight the Coronavirus pandemic"

At times disaster brings out the most humane sides of many people as we are seeing with the Coronavirus tragedy. There are unprecedented initiatives in Washington, DC to get extra money out to individuals and families to help them survive the disastrous economic slowdown associated with this pandemic. This is very wise and leaves mankind with hope that there are acute sensitivities among many government people to the reality that while infectious diseases and other illnesses certainly can be killers, so can financial deprivation, And the states and businesses across the USA are making unprecedented initiatives to curtail the spread of the potentially deadly Coronavirus with directives to limit exposure of citizens in public. Meanwhile China and other countries have been acting aggressively to stop the spread of Coronavirus while funding for an effective and safe Coronavirus vaccine is moving ahead worldwide. With the World Health Organization (WHO) to add further guidance the world is essentially standing together to fight the Coronavirus, which is a dramatic change in direction from veiled threats and counter-threats of a possible total nuclear annihilation of the world. Yet, even in the midst these impressive efforts to save lives by fighting the spread of the Coronavirus a tragically sinister side of the American society and other societies across the world persists with psychiatry. The diabolically insane psychiatrists are continuing as usual to torture their innocent targets with intentional stigmatization from their myriad of unscientific diagnoses, their poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and horrifying abuses in their mental hospitals which are actually concentration camps. And many American lawmakers, judges, federal agents and police officers continue as usual to help enforce the tyrannical quackery of psychiatry with psychotronic warfare, organized public ridicule campaigns and deadly blacklists which includes innocent targeted individuals well trained and credentialed in essential services such as medicine. The support of the ignorant barbarism of psychiatry by many mainstream doctors and nurses who nevertheless actually often risk their lives providing their professional services is perplexing to say the least and raises serious questions about the underlying sociopolitical motives of many members of the orthodox medical community. The bottom line is psychiatry runs counter to everything decent the USA and other countries are standing together to do to fight the serious Coronavirus pandemic and an awareness of this should lead to more forces joining together to have all of the psychiatrists prosecuted for their massive crimes against humanity with the total abolition of psychiatry as a goal!»>