Monday, March 2, 2020

"Good people struggle in disgrace while sadistic sociopaths who torture them with psychiatry thrive"

Decent men, women and children are devastated by psychiatric intervention around the clock. In spite of what the propaganda machine of psychiatry insists this intervention consistently harms people and leads to painfully wasted lives. The police and feds work alongside the psychiatrists and begin the process of destroying the lives of innocent people as soon as they walk into a psychiatrists office. The society is under constant satellite drone surveillance and this is used to follow who sees psychiatrists. Thereafter there is dissemination of filthy lies by the psychiatrists, feds and cops leading to character assassination and ruined personal lives, careers and financial gain for victims of psychiatry. And so psychiatric intervention is actually torture for the individual whether it is voluntary or court ordered. Therefore very intelligent, creative, ethical, law abiding and emotionally warm people who have had the horrible misfortune of seeing psychiatrists often end up disgraced and struggling to survive on the fringes of society while their tormentors who are sociopaths thrive in the terrorist society they have set up for themselves!»>