Tuesday, February 1, 2011

American Psychiatrists And US Department of Justice In A Torture Frenzy!

The torture by the American psychiatrists and US Department of Justice of perfectly sane social activists has become infectious across the United States. The scheme they have set up together ranks alongside one of the most abusive schemes in the history of mankind. These diabolically insane monsters have been terrorizing people around the clock with satellite transmitted electromagnetic surveillance and badgering, organized public ridicule campaigns, and harsh blacklists aimed at creating and enforcing painful and life threatening poverty based on slander about the mental health of their victims. And than when the victims of "The American Psychiatric Enslavement, Torture and Killing Machine" cry out in pain and disgust they are maliciously and sadistically intentionally misdiagnosed as suffering from serious mental illnesses such as paranoid schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. To worsen matters the American psychiatrists with full support from the US Department of Justice than take the position that the targets of this tyranny clearly have weak genetic make-ups and constitutional predispositions to mental illness or they would not have gotten sick from these abuses. The standard psychiatric abusive interventions of highly toxic psychiatric drugs which mimic mental illness and worse, beatings, incarcerations in the nations mental hospital concentration camps, further beatings with false arrests in the nations overcrowded death center jails, and more abuses are used to finish off the victims of this American styled tyranny.