Monday, February 7, 2011

American Psychiatrists Creating Cruel New World!

The US government and American psychiatrists use psychiatry as a weapon daily to brutally enforce their desires on individuals, to beat them down, to degrade them and to make them sick. This is all very profitable for the psychiatrists. The attitudes of the trash pharmaceutical firms which market psychiatric poisons such as neuroleptics and lithium and of the FDA which clears these poisons for clinical use is clearly "but what else can we do with these people anyway" when considering the long list of horrible and painful side effects from these toxic drugs. More ethical attitudes would be "if you can not do something right than do not do it all!" and "first thou shall do no harm!". Obviously natural mental health care is preferable for anyone if you are really interested in their mental health and these drugs are used to simply mimic mental illness and worse in people chosen for disposal by the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death". It is purely propaganda to say that these very poisons which land people in mental institution concentration camps and jails due to a destabilization of the brain chemistry which they cause are keeping people out of these institutions. As for front page news stories that mental patients who are homicidal maniacs are responsible for murders and even assassinations and should be kept out of society, well more often than not it is these poisonous drugs and other forms of torture by psychiatrists which set off homicidal acts in otherwise pleasant people. And remember far more hard crimes are committed daily across the world, including horrible terrorist acts, by people who have never been labeled as mentally ill by the quack psychiatrists! Most victims of psychiatry are very intelligent, reserved, pleasant peace activists who are too nice to believe which is exactly why the miserable psychiatrists hate them as a reflection of their dangerously ego-deficient states when criticized. This has all resulted in a glorification of a brutal society the psychiatrists have helped to create while the victims of psychiatry are being exterminated to get them out of the way of the "Cruel New World" paradigm of the psychiatrists.