Saturday, February 26, 2011

USA Maintains Lead As Most Brutal Mental Health Care Human Rights Abuser Nation In The World

The "American Psychiatric Killing Machine" is on the move 24 hours a day. Crazed federal agents keep the targets of this tyranny under intense electronic surveillance every moment of everyday and use this along with electronic badgering and torture to drive perfectly sane social activists and their families, who are generally poor, into the nations mental hospital concentration camps. And people who may have suffered from mental illness of some type or who are forced into a paradigm of mental illness due to these abuses are clearly being pushed to kill themselves. The public is lied to about these activities as slander about these people is spread around communities by the government in a country which has become a "Federal Republic of the government, by the government and for the government" and which holds individual human rights in disdain. The like-minded diabolically insane American psychiatrists are waiting like vultures to help the US government pick apart the remains of the victims of this tyranny with intentional misdiagnoses of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. And crooked county judges are paid well to legalize all of this with swift fixed civil court proceedings with no juries and no sworn in testimony. And so the USA has maintained a lead which it has held for decades as the leading mental health care human rights abuser nation in the world.