Wednesday, February 16, 2011

American Men Targeted For Psychiatric Abuses By Animals Who Want Sex With Their Girlfriends And Wives!

The American cops, FBI agents and CIA agents appear to have been doing what abusive psychiatrists and other doctors often do with psychiatry to add some spice to their sex lives. It appears by less than chance that many of the American men who are targets of psychiatric human rights abuses have had girlfriends or wives who enjoy playing sexy roles in life. In fact with their faces red this has often been pointed to as a manifestation of obvious mental illness by the clearly miserable and sadistic psychiatrists and others who have made it a habit to claim what is seen as wild sex lives are signs of serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Interestingly active and adventuresome sex lives among consenting individuals of legal age is generally good for your mental health. What has been happening is that clearly the psychiatrists and other doctors who want a shot in the bedroom with sexy gals who are often hooked up use the psychiatric weapon to have their boyfriends and husbands turned into impotent and sickly people with intentional misdiagnoses of mental illness, blacklists, druggings with toxic psychiatric poisons which kill men's sex drives, beatings, and incarcerations in mental hospital concentration camps. Than these leeches of society often move in with charming words and gifts for the sexy women left behind by all of this and are generally successful conquering them in the bedroom, or on the office desk, with all of the money and power this all leaves them with. It has also been rumored that with the legalization of such mental health care human rights abuses across the USA, with swift fixed civil court proceedings to back this up, American cops, FBI agents and CIA agents have been following up on these events as an excuse to question the sexy women who lose their boyfriends and husbands to such tyranny and while questioning them often come on strong with sexual advances. This is reported to have been happening across the USA and to American men who are overseas. This lust for a piece of the action appears to clearly be why the US cops, feds and intelligence agents support the abuses of the psychiatrists in such cases to begin with. Clearly the men abusing the system in order to feed their sexual fantasies in such manners are animals.