Friday, July 22, 2011

US Feds and Cops Join Psychiatrists In Slaughterhouse Campaigns To Keep Oppressive Psychiatric System Intact

The atrocities committed by the US feds, cops and psychiatrists in the name of keeping the world's most archaic and oppressive psychiatric system intact has been making many of the terrorists appear like puppy dogs. These sadistic sociopaths have been stopping at nothing to brutally crush the credibility and initiatives of mental health care reformists in acts of hysterical frenzy by these maniacs due to fears they could lose the power to swiftly and carelessly turn their targets of sadistic aggression into freaks by stealing everything they have including who they actually are anytime they feel like doing so. The American psychiatric system was actually devised by tyrants who hold democratic freedoms and individuality in disdain and who instead enjoy hitting anyone doing things differently and not playing ball with them with brutal psychiatric misdiagnoses followed by drugging with psychiatric drugs such as neuroleptics and lithium which are actually poisons and which mimic the mental illnesses they are supposedly being used to treat and worse. There are no Miranda rights and no judges orders necessary for these tyrants to move against their victims any time of the morning, afternoon, or evening. It therefore appears discussions of criminal law reforms across the United States has served as a brilliant front for the masters of deception who control the psychiatric system to hold onto their archaic manners of doing things. And so these despicable entities have been organizing public ridicule and hate campaigns, propaganda campaigns, cruel blacklists, legalized intentional misdiagnoses of mental illness, legalized forced psychiatric intervention of those who are perfectly sane, and literal torture with satellite transmitted electromagnetic waves shot into the brains of their victims to crush dissent and to hold onto and gain new public support for what is the cruelest, most unethical, brutal, and ignorant mental health care system in the entire world.