Tuesday, July 5, 2011

USA Does Not Allow Appeals Of Psych Civil Court Cases

American psychiatrists and other American doctors they work with push civil cases through mental health county courts across the USA in a few minutes with no juries and no sworn in testimony. The judges who preside at these kangaroo court proceedings work closely alongside the psychiatrists. The US government does not allow people to appeal these cases and clean up their records. These cases are not used to help people with their mental health. They are instead used to sadistically legalize torturing people with forced psychiatric intervention and public ridicule while also ruining people's careers and lives. These terror cases are a clever vehicle which are used to undermine the democratic freedoms of Americans by tyrants across the country. The psychiatrists and other doctors like these cases because while profiting greatly from them they help them create the nation in their reactionary images only. Most of the targets of this medical-legal tyranny are not suffering from any mental illness and are not guilty of any serious crimes if any crimes at all. And yet they will never get a fair day in a proper court of law before an unbiased jury of 12. Furthermore, if someone who might be suffering from some type of emotional problem is dragged, beaten and drugged into one of these disgraceful proceedings they certainly can not be anticipated to receive the proper humane mental health care which may be needed to help them by the very same sadistic psychiatrists and other doctors who terrorize them in such manners and who become their real, not imagined, enemies. The USA is therefore an archaic, brutal nation and a complete fraud which has no respect for democracy and justice or proper, humane mental health care and which is therefore pure trash!