Thursday, July 7, 2011

US Psychiatric System Has A Mission of International Genocide of Poor People

A nightmare has come true across the entire United States with fascist fanatics in control of the entire Justice Department and other branches of the federal and state governments. In an era of hysteria dealing with a disastrously failing US economy and fears of an international depression the answer for the maniacs in control of the USA to anticipated massive riots across the USA and internationally when a worldwide depression hits with unemployment figures across the world greater than 50% and people turning to cannibalism to survive in the streets has been a 'silent' policy of mass genocide of poor people across the world in order to try to avoid such anticipated world chaos. And what the USA has discovered with the help of the nations diabolically insane psychiatrists is that the legalization of American psychiatry is the nations most potent weapon of mass genocide against poor people at home and overseas. By insisting that the everyday normal lifestyle patterns of poor people across the USA and overseas are signs of serious mental illnesses the US feds, cops and psychiatrists essentially feel they have legitimate grounds to have most everyone across the USA and overseas picked up on charges of mental illness whenever they can get around to it. Consider that as the world reads in the gossip columns of magazines available at the check out counters of the local grocery stores of diamond rings costing tens of thousands of dollars being given as gifts to girlfriends and wives in Hollywood, California and in Royal circles in England the US feds are on a rampage against poor men who buy a girl a hot meal after a date and perhaps pick her up a small gold necklace at Walmart for $19.95 and than leave her with enough cash for cab fare home. And the same fanatic feds are also after the poor women who go on such dates from small town America to such places as Bangkok, Thailand where poverty is also a pervasive problem. All along the like-minded diabolically insane American psychiatrists have labeled all of these poor men and women as suffering from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder with a desire to see them all sexually neutered with neuroleptics, lithium and the other psychiatric poisonous drugs all of which kill the normal drives of men and women in order to mimic mental illness and worse in them. This is such a tragic situation with the insistence of the ever more clearing often extremely intellectually and ethically deficient US medical-scientific community that they are top in the world and therefore their ideas should lead the way in scientific thinking and practices across the world that it becomes more and more possible that images of kidnappings to mental hospital concentration camps of men and women accused of sexual misbehavior and mental deficiencies in such Communist nations as The Peoples Republic of China may very well be the direct fault of the irrational scientific reasoning of the American psychiatric and legal communities who insist that their ideas be met with universal acceptance. In the USA too such men and women who are actually guilty of nothing more than alleged sins and who are not mentally ill are confronted with cruel blacklists, kidnappings to mental hospital concentration camps, intentional misdiagnoses of mental illness, drugging with the poisonous psychiatric drugs and more abuses. And, more often than not the targets of the American psychiatric genocide campaign against poor people are perfectly sane, very intelligent, sensitive people who are simply fighting to survive the most horrible and painful man made disaster in world history, poverty.