Friday, April 27, 2012

American Psychiatric Purges Are As Barbaric As The Purges of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia Were

The degree of horror associated with the American psychiatric purges has become as filthy and large in scale as the bloody purges of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in Camobida were, with the only exception being that the American propaganda machine has so effectively glossed over this horror story that far too many Americans who have not been hit by this tyranny, let alone foreigners, really do not understand what has really been going on. Millions upon millions of perfectly decent, well educated, basically law abiding, peaceful, and warm hearted men, women and children across the United States have lost everything they have worked for including the freedom to feel and think as they desire to the nations consistently greedy, unethical, ignorant and brutal psychiatrists. The reasons behind this tyranny range from pure sadistic greed on the part of the psychiatrists, to intolerance for the color of the skin of a victims spouse, to cover-ups of foul-ups for high paying adherents to the philosophical foundations of the Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death, to petty jealousies over a myriad of matters. One thing is for certain that most if not all of the victims of psychiatry never suffered from anything on the long list of trash unscientific labels used by the psychiatrists from their fictional diagnostic bible, the DSM. If the victims of psychiatry were in fact ever suffering from anything to begin with they have invariably been misdiagnosed and mistreated instead of receiving proper medical intervention. Such things as malnutrition, allergies, lack of exercise, feeling run down from exposure to cigarette smoke, and too much junk food are consistently misdiagnosed as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other psychiatric illnesses by the psychiatrists. And the psychiatrists are paid enormously well for their tyranny with huge financial incentives each time they throw someone in their mental hospital concentration camps, each time they lie in their swift, fixed mental health care court proceedings aimed at legalizing their tyranny, each time another poor soul makes the mistake of visiting their offices based on misinformation about what they really do or each time some poor soul is forced to see them due to court orders from tyrannical judges who use psychiatrists to destroy, not help people , based on their own bigotries and biases and in order to justify their huge paychecks.

Mandel News Service