Saturday, April 21, 2012

Psychiatry Is Being Used To Crush The Lives of Whistleblowers by Jefferson Medical College and Associates

The alumni, doctors and students from Jefferson Medical College and other US medical schools across Pennsylvania, New York, Texas, Florida, Arizona, California, Hawaii and elsewhere have been having whistleblowers about cheating in medical school and other wrongdoing tortured and murdered by psychiatrists with intentional false labels of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. In acts of cleared endorsement for this type of tyranny by an orthodox medical community which the US government works with closely to control the society in their image, the US Department of Justice and other branches of the US government have been supporting the conspiracy of silence by the mainstream medical community about this matter. The involved doctors, judges, FBI agents, CIA agents, State Department officials, cops, and others who support this scheme seem to think it is a real laugh to pick up perfectly competent, law abiding, sane, and well educated physicians targeted for this abuse, tear off their white coats, strip them down, shoot them up with neuroleptics, strait jacket them, and throw them in isolation with the patients and walk away from them knowing at that moment as more sensitive physicians they generally could have been doing a far better job providing mental health care than their tormenters were ever capable of providing. If the targeted doctors survive this they are confronted with character assassination campaigns based on filthy lies about them and cruel blacklists aimed at turning them into street people which they will not be able to beat unless they are simply given money or are independently wealthy.

Mandel News Service