Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Police Work With Psychiatrists To Cover-up Police Brutality

When the police across the United States run into a problem of explaining arrest records with cases dropped by the District Attorneys and criminal court judges they often move to cover for themselves by claiming the targets of their false arrests and police brutality must be mentally ill. The police like this angle to cover-up for their own incompetence and brutality because there are no Miranda rights required to pull someone in on mental health charges and there is no due process and no sworn in testimony in the sham civil mental health care court proceedings. The consistently unethical psychiatrists support the interests of the police in labeling the targets of their abuse as mentally ill because they profit greatly from anyone they can force into being their patients. Favorite intentional misdiagnoses of the psychiatrists in such cases are schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The careers and lives of the targets of such snowballing abuses are generally completely ruined due to the associated stigmatization. The FBI rarely if ever investigates these cases due to the FBI's consistently  ignorant attitudes about anyone with arrest records and run into see psychiatrists even though the victims of this tyranny are generally not guilty of the charges the police raised against them and they are generally not mentally ill and are often instead perfectly sane, competent, and warm hearted people.

Mandel News Service