Thursday, April 26, 2012

The U.S. Government Has Been Violating People's Legal Rights To Contrive Misdiagnoses of Mental Illness With The Psychiatrists

The U.S. government has been using silent methods of undermining the privacy rights of people across the United States to enable the sadistic conjuring up of serious mis-diagnoses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder of the targets of their tyranny with the nations psychiatrists. What has been going on is that via the use of space age satellite technology citizens are being kept under 24 hour a day surveillance in their homes and elsewhere. The majority of citizens, thinking home is a good place to let loose, often do things at home in private that they would not do elsewhere such as making unusual jokes and experimenting with new sexual positions with their spouses which the government than insists are signs of unusual behavior and mental illness. This technology is also being used to attempt to actually take over the thoughts, feelings and actions of people while also reading their minds in order to attempt to drive them insane and/or to simply make them out to appear to be mentally ill. When this all fails to get the desired results the same type of technology is used to hit people in the brains in public places such as hotel lobbies in order to make them out to appear to be mentally ill and/or criminals. The psychiatrists all back up this tyranny in order to feed the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death!"

Mandel News Service