Sunday, April 23, 2017

Exposures of the use of psychiatry for torture and murder is a national security issue in the USA!

Whistle blowing from credible sources about brutality by the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death" is dealt with like a high priority national security issue by the US feds, cops and psychiatrists along with their personal judges. Clearly the tragically sadistic elements who are responsible for this tyranny fear a catastrophic backlash against the USA worldwide if it becomes clear the USA itself is as archaic and ignorant in it's implementation of human rights abuses against people via the use of psychiatry as it's worse enemies have been alleged to be. On a daily basis more decent people, including children, are literally slaughtered by the US psychiatric system than by ISIS, the Taliban, and organized crime combined. There are scores of decent people struggling to survive on the fringes of society in deep poverty and homeless across the USA because of what has been done to them with the nation's brutal psychiatric system, not because of mental illness. In fact it could not be clearer that the American psychiatrists, feds, cops, and their personal judges along with others who support their joint brutality are themselves terrorists who sadistically enjoy torturing and murdering people with psychiatry!