Monday, April 17, 2017

The psychiatric system in the USA has a goal of undermining financial well being and the mental health of its victims!

In actuality the psychiatric system has absolutely no interest in mental health care. Psychiatry is instead an illegal tool of destruction which is instituted by tragically sadistic elements in the society to undermine the well being of men, women and children in order to attempt to make them live out the tormented lives created for them dependent on psychiatrists. A primary target of the psychiatric system is the academic accomplishments and careers of it's victims. The abusive psychiatrists with support from likewise abusive feds, cops and judges insist on an implementation of the totally irrational and destructive position that getting ahead in life is somehow bad for the mental health of the targets of this tyranny. The favored intentional misdiagnosis for this absurd position is the trendy label of bipolar disorder with the psychiatrists insisting people labeled with this disorder somehow think too much of themselves when they are succeeding in life and when they are paid well and accumulate wealth. Of course the truth is the exact opposite with hard earned success and financial security in life being essential to the mental health of people.