Saturday, April 29, 2017

The American psychiatrists are largely responsible for making the USA a tyrannical fraud!

While the American politicians discuss the great country they are creating for themselves and their close friends, the majority of Americans are suffering and struggling to survive on the fringes of existence around the clock. The ever present US feds, cops and psychiatrists along with their personal judges keep this silent huge suffering sector of the American public as horribly oppressed as it has been alleged ISIS has done in occupied territories in the Middle East. Intentional misdiagnoses of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder of the oppressed masses with the ultimate goal of intentional crippling with the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs is running rampant across the USA. The American mental hospital concentration camp system is overloaded with perfectly sane sectors of the hurting and protesting masses. Most of the people intentionally stigmatized by psychiatry across the USA are very intellectually and emotionally intelligent, capable and law abiding people who could have been very wealthy if not for intrusions into their lives by the destructive psychiatric system. Overall what we are seeing is that the USA is not the free, democratic and just nation the politicians claim it is, but it is instead a brutal psychiatric police state and the worse tyrannical fraud ever conceived of in the history of mankind!