Wednesday, June 13, 2018

"In the USA universal concepts of human decency have been eroded by psychiatry!"

The USA is a terrorist nation to the core which is heavily invested in oppressing, torturing and murdering innocent people with psychiatry for huge profits. The US feds and cops rally non-psychiatric doctors and nurses along with others in society to help victimize targets of brutal sadistic psychiatric take downs. Never before in world history since the height of power of the Nazis in Europe has a nation so heavily invested itself in working with medical doctors and other medical personnel to cripple and murder innocent people while insisting this all somehow has some kind of positive value for society. The US feds, cops and psychiatrists in particular exhibit the characteristics of well paid ignorant goons as they implement their joint tyranny while their often mild mannered, well educated and emotionally warm victims must struggle to survive on the fringes of society. This is pathetic with all universal concepts of human decency being therefore turned around by the US psychiatric system with often times the most undesirable elements in society being made extremely wealthy and powerful as civilized and intelligent people perish!