Wednesday, June 20, 2018

"The USA is the leading mental health human rights abuser nation in world history!"

While the American politicians and State Department representatives continue as usual to rant about alleged human rights abuses by foreign countries the USA has been investing heavily in perfecting the sinister art of inflicting innocent people with brutal mental health care human rights abuses. Perfectly sane people and people who may be challenged with mental health issues are consistently abused by the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!" Propaganda by the US government and American Psychiatric Association leads naive people to believe there is a focus on prevention and human treatment of mental illness in the American psychiatric system. However, in actuality enormous initiatives are being directed towards the intentional infliction of intense pain and suffering and the creation of mental illness in this system. The general public is rallied to help the US government destroy targets of this tyranny with veiled threats they may very well be hit with similar abuses and have trouble getting ahead in society if they fail to support such activities. Painful electronic warfare, intentional stigmatization with the myriad of unscientific psychiatric labels, railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps, and deadly blacklists are among the arsenal of weapons routinely used in the American psychiatric system. This has lead to the USA being the leading mental health human rights abuser nation in world history!