Thursday, June 28, 2018

"Professionals committed to humane mental health care are washed out of the medical profession!"

Ever since it's genesis psychiatry has been a highly destructive and deadly discipline. The propaganda surrounding psychiatry claiming it has a focus on quality mental health care is totally false. As a matter of fact psychiatrists often work with the feds, cops and their personal judges to manufacture pained states of being which mimic mental illness while exacerbating the pain and suffering of people confronting mental health care issues. The situation is so horrible that medical students and medical doctors who show a true interest in humane mental health care and who have the capacity to truly help people with their mental health are targeted for destruction by the psychiatrists and their supporters in the mainstream medical profession. The tyrannical quackery of psychiatry is turned on these activist professionals who are intentionally misdiagnosed with such trendy labels as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The goal of this abuse is to wash these humane professionals out of the medical profession and hopefully weaken them severely in all other walks of life and financially due to intentional stigmatization in order to undermine the credibility of their whistle blowing about abuses inherent in psychiatry!