Thursday, June 7, 2018

"Innocent people are ruined by psychiatric take-downs across the USA 24/7!"

The US feds, cops and psychiatrists are so heavily invested in ruining the lives of innocent people 24/7 it is frightening. These barbarians use every destructive intervention imaginable including intense cosmic electronic warfare to hit their harmless victims in the brains around the clock to destabilize their mental functioning. Intentional stigmatization with one erroneous psychiatric label after another, drugging with the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs, railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps, and deadly blacklists are also used to severely hurt the victims of this treachery. All along these barbarians insist they represent the most civilized people in the world. Once these monsters target their victims for sadistic psychiatric take downs they never stop no matter what even if this goes on for decades until they are dead. God help mankind with such animals with so much power!