Tuesday, May 28, 2019

"Psychiatric labels are used to severely hurt innocent people, not humanely prevent or treat mental illness!"

The psychiatrists are greedy diabolically insane sadists and leeches of society who regularly use trendy diagnostic labels such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder to feed off of innocent men, women and children who have the misfortune of being their patients. These unscientific labels are used to stigmatize people and undermine their chances for mental health instead of to help humanely prevent and treat mental illness. There have rarely if ever been any actual textbook cases of these supposed illnesses, and there are no scientific markers used to diagnose these entities with the labels therefore actually being based on the subjective whims and bigotries of the psychiatrists, other doctors and psychiatric nurses. It’s not to say that people don’t experience extreme anxiety, depression and even psychotic states. However, even though psychiatrists say they account for the myriad of medical causes of these unstable states of being, such as poor nutrition, allergies, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, drugs and alcohol, in practice they do not take all of this into account. The psychiatrists do not take proper complete medical histories and they do not do complete medical exams with proper lab testing, even though they are taught to do this in medical school. Clearly these leeches of society know they are on a gravy train to huge profits once they’re in practice with very few if any actual checks and balances to their practices. Evidence of the consistent wrongdoing of psychiatrists is hard if not impossible for qualified negligence attorneys to come up with because their consistently poor practices become the standard of care in psychiatry. The popularization of psychiatry by the lay press and TV gossip shows along with government propaganda about psychiatry has most of the general public simply blindly accepting psychiatry as being a credible mental healthcare discipline which deserves respect. The legalization of psychiatry by indifferent and cruel lawmakers and judges leads to likewise chronically abusive federal agents and cops working with psychiatrists to use psychiatric labeling to catastrophically ruin potentially healthy and productive lives. In fact innocent targets of the “American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death” are stalked and badgered with psychotronic warfare around the clock and hit with character assassination and blacklists based on filthy lies about them and their capacity to produce well in demanding and well paying positions for which they are well qualified. Along with other destructive interventions such as the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and electric shock this all amounts to the slow and methodical murders of people who see psychiatrists as patients in what has therefore become a terrorist society where taking part in and supporting abhorrent cruelty of this nature by the psychiatric system often leads to great success!»>http://www.mandelnews.com