Sunday, May 19, 2019

"The US government is a terrorist regime which works with the terrorist psychiatrists to brutally shut down lives!"

While insisting that the United States is a civilized nation where it is illegal to abuse human beings whether or not they have suffered from mental illness, the US government and American psychiatrists nevertheless regularly torture innocent men, women and children targeted by psychiatry. Both people who may have suffered from some type of mental illness and human rights activists among others who may have never actually suffered from mental illness are chronically abused by the brutal and ignorant psychiatric system across the USA. In fact people in the country are marked for psychiatric labeling in order to give the feds, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges excuses to brutally shut down their academic and career interests which generally leads to the creation and nurturing of painful and deadly economic distress. This goes on for the remainder of the lives of victims of the "American Psychiatric Enslavement, Torture & Killing Machine" and the victims of these atrocities can generally only beat a horrible fate of oppressed lives with financial help from family and friends or if perhaps they are very talented people in the entertainment industry which has traditionally refused to answer to requests from the government and psychiatrists to blacklist people stigmatized with labels of mental illness!»>