Tuesday, May 14, 2019

"The American feds, cops, psychiatrists, their judges & other supporters of psychiatry together rank among the most atrocious human rights abusers in world history"

Together authority figures across the USA use psychiatric labels as an excuse to brutally torture innocent men, women and children around the clock. The psychiatric labels, which have absolutely no credible scientific basis, are routinely used for profit and to undermine the vital interests of victims of psychiatry in efforts to make them dependent on the brutal psychiatric system. The psychiatric interventions themselves, including the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs, electric shock, strait jackets, and isolation all harm patients terribly. The goal of the establishment in instituting psychiatry is to sadistically waste lives while fueling the powerful and lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" with no actual interest in preventing or humanely treating mental illness. All of the 50 American states, courts and federal government are terrorist entities as manifested by their aggressive support of psychiatric tyranny which wastes more lives daily than heavily armed inner city ghetto gangs, drug cartels, the mafia and overseas groups labeled as terrorists by the US Department of State together. In fact the extreme forms of brutality which these groups often resort to in order to get their way may very well be in response to the hypocritically brutal methods the powers across the USA use to enforce their tyranny against innocent people. A favored method of madness used by the American feds and cops to manufacture mental illness and cases against their victims has been satellite driven psychotronic warfare directed into people's brains in order to mess up their normal brain functioning!»>http://www.mandelnews.com