Tuesday, May 7, 2019

"Strait jackets, isolation & psychiatric drugging are assault & battery, torture & attempted murder!"

The psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses are criminally insane sadists who insist their destructive interventions are somehow treatment. Using strait jackets and isolation chambers along with the use of highly potent psycho-pharmacologic agents are a mainstay of intervention used by these monsters in their mental hospitals. This all has nothing at all to do with the proper prevention or treatment of mental illness. Furthermore, for those who insist this is proper punishment for recalcitrant patients, that's absurd too. Punishing patients in such abusive ways simply exacerbates distrust and nurtures unstable states of mind while actually amounting to cruel and unusual punishment. The shock on the body and mind from such abuse is extraordinary and leads to emotional scars for life if the patients survive such stress which can lead to fatal heart attacks. Clearly the mental hospitals are not treatment centers but are a front for concentration camps where innocent men, women and children are being tortured and exterminated for huge profits. Yet, pathetically the American feds, cops and their personal judges generally endorse such horrible abuses by psychiatrists which manifests they are inherently sadistic monsters themselves who have together with the psychiatrists undermined all concepts of civilized socieities!»>http://www.mandelnews.com