Saturday, December 24, 2011

Psychiatrists Do Not Care About Their Patients

The therapeutic relationship between the a health care provider and the patient is of paramount importance for the prevention and treatment of mental illness. There is therefore absolutely no chance for the proper prevention or treatment of mental illness when dealing with psychiatrists since aside from the inherently flawed nature of their psuedoscientific discipline they do not actually work for or care for their patients. Psychiatry has been evolved as a cruel tool of society wherein governments and other powerful entities use the discipline to enforce their desires, which are often sadistic in nature, on other people who have less money and power than they do, or who they simply have gotten the best of. Physicians are recruited to psychiatry and nurtured to succeed in the discipline if they maintain a constant orientation of knowing not to rock the boat and to do what they are told to do by the feds and police who represent the interests of the governments and other powerful entities. Nobody in this scheme cares that the psychiatric diagnoses are usually all wrong, the drugs are highly toxic poisons which mimic mental illness and worse, the mental hospitals are concentration camps with no diagnostic or therapeutic value and people who could have otherwise experienced healthy and productive lives are tortured and ruined by psychiatry on a daily basis. All along the victims of the sadistic psychiatric weapon of destruction are ignored in their pain as nobody listens to their generally correct observations of what the problem is and what they need for their own mental health as they slowly waste away and die. The bottom line is psychiatrists consistently demonstrate absolutely no emotional capacity to care for their patients which in itself is tragically destructive for their well being.