Tuesday, December 13, 2011

U.S. Crackdown on Psychiatric Victims As Serious As Chinese Crackdown on Tibetans
While running around the world risking World War 111 and a total nuclear holocaust by demanding human rights be respected in China and other nations, such as throughout the Arab world, U.S. intelligence agents and diplomats are creating a great deal of hostilities because of the nations gross hypocrisy in dealing with human rights on the home front. The brutal crack down on victims of "The American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture, and Death" has been as repulsive as the alleged crack down on Tibetan dissidents by China. The targets of this sadistic terror campaign are subjected to twenty four hour a day intense satellite transmitted surveillance and literal torture via high energy waves projected into their brains. These people are also being targeted by US Department of Justice organized public ridicule campaigns, forced drugging with poisonous psychiatric drugs, intentional misdiagnoses of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, isolation, blacklists, kidnappings to mental hospital concentration camps, beatings, sexual assaults, and swift, fixed civil court cases aimed at legalizing this tyranny in what is actually a lawless country. There are generally few if any attempts to give these people standard support systems to lead healthy, social, and productive lives across the entire American society even though they generally do not suffer from anything aside from being tortured and they are basically law abiding people who are often not guilty of anything more than perhaps a couple of very petty errors in life.