Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Obama administration has silently endorsed Republican Party styled tyranny in dealing with natural mental health activist victims of psychiatry

Perfectly sane and peaceful natural mental health activist targets of psychiatric tyranny are being kept under 24 hour a day satellite transmitted surveillance and are being blacklisted across the United States. The methods of tyranny used to terrorize these people and their families are as brutal as those of terrorists and organized crime with food and housing insecurity becoming real issues daily as the government working with the psychiatrists works to push them out into the streets or into filthy and dangerous mental hospital concentration camps, shelters and half way houses even though they are generally very well educated and capable of taking care of themselves and earning a nice living if only they were given a fair chance to do so in naturally healthy manners. The targets of this insanity are being threatened with forced use of psychiatric drugs such as neuroleptics, lithium and Abilify, which are highly toxic poisons which eventually cripple and kill everyone who takes them, even within therapeutic range. These drugs are being used to sadistically mimic mental illness and worse. President Obama's answer to requests to work to reform this tyrannical system which has crippled and killed more decent people than the school killers have, has been the same type of green light endorsement to keep the status quo intact as Republican Party administrations have also given the "American Psychiatric Genocide Machine" for generations.