Monday, December 17, 2012

The USA Is A Psychiatric Police State and a Fraud

Consider it takes a lot of money and connections to get into the American medical schools for a privileged sector of the society which dumps on anyone who sneaks in the side door of the profession. And than it is from among this elitist group that the psychiatrists and their associate physicians in the profession are chosen who are granted unusually special privileges to throw the lives of sane natural mental health activists out daily in swift, fixed kangaroo court proceedings overseen by judges from the same elitist sectors of the society who gave them an easy path into and through medical school and specialty training. This clears up there is actually no democracy, freedom or equal opportunities for most Americans who are pushed into and kept in painful poverty their entire lives by these same scum who are busy intentionally misdiagnosing as many activists as possible, who are generally but not always poor, with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in order to get them out of the way and to profit from them! The USA is therefore a tyrannical Psychiatric Police State and the worse fraud in world history!