Monday, January 21, 2013

An e-mail sent to Xinhua in China

If you will recollect I visited your country several times years ago to study Acupuncture and
to teach. Sadly, all of my plans were undermined due to false allegations of mental illness coming from professional enemies of mine right here in my own country, who have wanted my mental health care reform initiatives crushed.

Also, I was unfortunately set up with some questionable women at the time, when I was single, which apparently raised questions in the minds of Chinese government officials and police about my integrity and ethics. Frankly, I did not really fully understand what was
going on around me at that time, and I have since studied the situation and realized that very unfortunately some of the women in question may have actually been victims of human trafficking. If this is true, that means they were victims of organized crime syndicates of which I myself have therefore also been a victim of.

I do not agree with the United States Department of State about some issues, particularly in
regard to hypocrisy in dealing with mental health care human rights. However, I do agree with some of the reports of the United States Department of State and it was their reports on human trafficking which made me acutely aware of this problem. I think the U.S. government is therefore mistaken not to warn American citizens about the possibility of
being targeted for human trafficking gangs and other criminal activities worldwide, such as money changers appearing to be legitimate, in inserts when US Passports are issued.

I am now married to an Asian woman from Vietnam and we have two children. Clearly, I do not want my daughter or son victimized by these type of horrible crimes, and so I think perhaps Beijing may now get a better picture of where I stand on these issues. Although, I understand there have been some problems between Vietnam and China historically, your people are after all Asian brothers and sisters who have strong cultural similarities, as I see as being true with all of the Asian people.

A controversial marriage and divorce of mine from a Chinese national, years ago, Yuan Chen, prior to my present 12 year marriage to My Dung, may also raise questions about my
integrity in China. Please rest assured I never had anything against Yuan personally and I remember her as a charming Chinese woman. However, due to being followed around
with false allegations of mental illness for decades, which escalated in the aftermath of the events alluded to in China, I simply went flat broke in Japan where we were residing and we could not afford to stay married back than.

My Citibank and American Express credit cards were being pushed to the limit in Japan and being highly ethical about money and thinking it is wrong to steal from these vital American concerns, I had to come back to the United States and cut my spending to settle with these firms before I started all over again. I simply needed a good job in Japan, for which I was
always well qualified, but I have been confronted with a horrible blacklist of my vital financial interests for a long time because of the dangerous false allegations of mental illness, which here in the United States the psychiatrists like to legalize even in the absence of any actual criminal misconduct.

Now, I am approaching the government of China about these issues myself because I have given up thinking I will ever receive proper representation on this planet from the Democrats or Republicans in this country. In fact I voted for Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party for President of the United States in the last elections, even though at this time in history I knew he had little chance of winning. In the future, however, if the United States and the world keeps falling apart as they have been, who knows what may happen in this country. I feel the depth of corruption in both the Democratic Party and Republican Party and the brutal methods they endorse to settle vital issues are largely responsible for the sad state
of affairs in the world at this time in history.

I would like Beijing to consider doing something radical with me and supporting some of my mental health care reform initiatives. I fully understand that some of my positions on this matter are at this time probably too radical for any government to consider. Clearly, for example I do not think China will support my present position that psychiatry is totally
hopeless and should simply be abolished.

However, Beijing may agree with me that the diagnostic labels in psychiatry are never for certain and that people diagnosed as mentally ill may not have actually ever been mentally ill. And due to the horrible side effects of the psychiatric drugs which can set off homicidal and suicidal ideation  and acts, Beijing may agree with me that Natural Mental Health care for the prevention and treatment of mental illness is always preferable whenever possible.

Furthermore, Beijing may agree with me that a legalization of mental illness is not a good idea in the absence of very serious criminal activities such as terrorism, rape, and assassinations.Therefore, it is my hope Beijing will agree with me that it is unjust and horrible to blacklist the vital financial interests of anyone based on past allegations of mental illness, as long as that person can demonstrate the common sense to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I for example completely stopped drinking any alcohol in order to set a good example for my children, even though as you know it is legal to drink alcohol worldwide.

Another problem in my approach to China on these matters will clearly be the nature of some of my reporting on the Tibet issue which you will notice on my primary Website as you review my work. In fact I sadly understand that unless I am perhaps more even handed with these reports my Website may be blocked from viewing in China. In this regard my position on Tibet is simply that clearly as fellow Asians you should all work together for harmony in
your country. I support the position of many of the the Tibetans themselves that perhaps Tibet should be recognized as an autonomous region of China. In this regard I would be willing to be more careful with my future reports on this matter if China has found any past reports inflammatory, if China wishes to work with me on any of this.

It may interest China to know that one of my dearest friends in the world was the late Willard Wong of Hawaii who I saw as my Chinese godfather when I was growing up. Willard was a close friend of my family's via business links and he did a lot of business with China I have been told. Ever since Willard died from pancreatic cancer years ago I have never really been the same person. His loss was as devastating for people who knew him as was the loss of Steve Jobs for friends of Apple Inc.

In closing I just published the following article which has photos from China. I remember when I was at the China Medical University in Shenyang in 1990 I was questioned by Chinese Public Security about my snapping of photos in the hospital there. I simply found this to be interesting as are the photos from Getty Images from inside of China attached to the following article:

"Bariatric surgery can help keep weight off long term" Read more at :


Harold Mandel, MD
Dr Harold Mandel Online

The Harold Mandel, MD Natural Mental Health Care Reform Association