Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Targets of American Psychiatric Tyranny Are Beaten Up and Arrested by Cops for No Reason at All

The US government has been having sane and law abiding Natural Mental Health activists and other activists beaten up and thrown in jail for no reason at all so they can get court orders for psychiatric drugs which cause brain damage, saying these people need these poisons to stay out of jail and the mental hospital concentration camps. These barbarians understand the abusive psychiatric scheme very well and abuse an already abusive system even more in order to vent their hostile, sadistic and destructive rages on pleasant, intelligent, sane and law abiding activists who overall simply do not agree with the type of cruelty endorsed and instituted by the US government, and particularly the US Department of Justice, against its targets of hostile aggression on a daily basis. The targets of these monsters are generally, but not always, poor. The nations like minded diabolically insane psychiatrists support these abuses for great financial profits while feeding the cancerous growth of "The American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death!"