Thursday, January 10, 2013

The disorders to be included in psychiatry's DSM are chosen by a majority vote of American Psychiatric Association members based on the same scientific level as "you would choose a restaurant"

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) has referred to psychiatry as a "junk science" in its compelling publication, "Psychiatry, An Industry of Death". The CCHR states that the primary reason for the creation of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has been to provide psychiatry with a system of compensation for insurance billing which is similar to that which is used by mainstream medicine. The entries in the DSM are simply "disorders" passed by a committee of psychiatrists and not real diseases. The categorization of clusters of symptoms in the DSM has no known causes and none of the resultant diagnoses have been supported by objective scientific evidence. And yet in spite of the complete lack of scientific credentials behind the DSM the CCHR notes that psychiatry in the U.S. alone brings in over $100 billion a year in funding for "treatment" of DSM-disorders. Renee Garfinkle, a psychologist, is quoted by the CCHR as saying the disorders to be included in psychiatry's DSM are chosen by a majority vote of American Psychiatric Association members based on the same scientific level as "you would choose a restaurant."